Diese Veranstaltung ist schon vorbei


Do 27. Feb 2020, 10:30
Do 27. Feb 2020, 15:00
Fr 28. Feb 2020, 09:00
Fr 28. Feb 2020, 10:30
Fr 28. Feb 2020, 15:00

Wo: Szene Salzburg - republic, Anton-Neumayr-Platz 2, Stadt, Salzburg

Altersbeschränkung: Alle Altersklassen

Eingetragen von: Oeticket

Partituur is the first and so far the only project by Ivana Müller made for children, commissioned by the Tweetakt Festival in Utrecht. It is a performative system/game for participants from age 7+, a social choreography in which there are no spectators and performers in the classical term of the word but in which everybody participates. The roles of participants constantly shift and everybody takes part in the creation of a unique « score » every time the game is running. During Partituur all participants get a set of headphones through which they can hear instructions and suggestions that will help them create the show together. They also get « time » to observe the others, position themselves, play by or against the rules. In that sense, Partituur takes shape depending on choices, reactions and positions that each « partituurist » takes. The « play » is made for 15 -20 participants and it lasts for 30 minutes.