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A Night of Rhythm


Sa 1. Aug 2015, 20:00

Wo: Zum Färbers, Dornbirn, Färbergasse 15, 6850 Dornbirn, Dornbirn, Dornbirn

Altersbeschränkung: Alle Altersklassen


  • General Admission: €15,00

Eingetragen von: didi

2 bands, 1 night, a special mix of sound! Rockabilly vom Feinsten!!!!

Sonnie Hale and the Rhythm Stars!
The musicians are:
Dave of the Rhythm River Trio, UK
Jacob of the Rattle Rockin Boys, USA / Slik Fifty, USA
Matt of the Rattle Rockin Boys, USA
I don't think we have to say any more !?

Dead Beatz!!!!!!!!!
From right here - Austria! One of Austrians finest! You want raw, dirty down blues boppers? You have come to the right place!

Tanzen, feiern, tolle Leute, wilde Musik, das Alles und noch viel mehr!
Come out and experience RHYTHM how it should be!